2023 SocialPilot Product Updates That Will Make Your 2024 So Much Easier

SocialPilot Product Updates That Will Make Your 2024

As the calendar turns over to a new year, we look back and reflect on our journey. At SocialPilot, 2023 has been a year full of innovation and opening up new possibilities for your social media strategy.

In the spirit of starting the new year fresh, we’ve compiled a comprehensive roundup of all the major updates and enhancements that SocialPilot introduced in 2023.

Latest Social Publishing Features

Latest Social Publishing Features for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more

We have spiced things up with some changes(read fantastic upgrades) that helped you bring their A-game to social media publishing and witness some REAL growth. Now, you can share a wider variety of photos and videos, perfectly tailored to give your content that extra zing and get the audience’s attention.

LinkedIn Carousel Publishing

SocialPilot’s Carousel Publishing feature allows users to upload and publish documents as well as images of various formats on LinkedIn directly from our platform. The result: a carousel post experience for your page’s followers. Since the native LinkedIn doesn’t allow image carousels, you now have the upper hand with SocialPilot.

Instagram and Facebook Story Posting is Now Possible

Gone are the days of opening the SocialPilot app on mobile devices to submit the Story for publishing on Instagram. You can now schedule Instagram Stories to Instagram Business accounts directly from the app.

However, with Facebook, there was no option to schedule a story. With the new update, you can now schedule multiple stories on Facebook in one go, all within the convenience of the SocialPilot web app.

With the story scheduling features, the process of publishing engaging content on your socials is simplified, ensuring that the stories reach the audience precisely when the time is right.

Delete Published Posts Directly From SocialPilot

Errors do happen, especially when you are handling content at scale. With our ‘Delete’ option, your social media content can stay error-free. Whether it is something as small as a typo or as big as a scheduling mishap, you can now delete your published posts instantly from the SocialPilot dashboard.

New, Power-Packed Features on Instagram

With multiple upgrades on Instagram, our users experienced a rich social media management feel. You can now enjoy hassle-free uploads with Direct Publishing for Instagram Creator Accounts, allowing you to post content directly and save precious time.

Not just posts, you can also enhance your Reels with Custom Cover Photos/Thumbnails, giving them the right visual appeal right from the start. When talking about reels, SocialPilot also allows you to tag users in your scheduled Reels, ensuring they’re notified and your content appears in their tagged tab.

If you want to add a personal touch to your Reels, customize the ‘Original Audio’ names, making your tracks uniquely yours. And, to help you share more, we’ve doubled the daily media post limit to 50, including Reels, Stories, and Feed posts.

These integrated features are designed to captivate your audience with visually engaging content and enhance your brand’s presence on Instagram.

TikTok Comes with Direct Publishing Now

The TikTok Direct Publishing feature marks a significant leap in scaling your presence in short video content format. This update frees you from the nitty-gritty technical details so you can eliminate the hassle of manual scheduling and constant reminders.

Stagger Posts

Engaging with your audience when they’re most active on each platform leads to higher engagement rates. With that in mind, we have introduced the Stagger Post feature in SocialPilot. It allows you to schedule and publish posts across multiple social media accounts at different, user-defined intervals.

You can set specific times for posts to go live on different platforms and choose intervals ranging from 1 to 24 hours for post publishing. This feature, available under the ‘Repeat Post’ and ‘Schedule Post’ options, provides enhanced control and flexibility in managing your social media publishing schedule.

Content Creation and Management

New Features for Content Creation and Management

In 2023, we’ve taken content management from “Oh, that’s nice” to “Oh wow, that’s how it’s done!” in your social media efforts. With refined content, the content strategy of our users was more calculated to capture the audience’s attention.

AI Assistant

With AI so much in the news, we had to leverage the opportunity to our advantage for content creation. We introduced AI Assistant to enhance content quality significantly. This innovative feature is fully integrated into your SocialPilot dashboard, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience.

With the AI Assistant, you can instantly generate diverse social media post ideas across various topics, ensuring your content is relevant. That’s not it! It also allows for translations of captions into multiple languages, expanding your global audience reach.

Free AI Social Media Post Generator

Writing the perfect caption for all your posts isn’t always possible. Our FREE AI Social Media Post Generator helps you come up with viral-worthy captions. It meticulously packages your thoughts and ideas into well-crafted posts.

Content Library

We now have an upgraded version of the Content Library. This update allows you to store posts and hashtag groups so you can easily access and utilize your creative ideas whenever inspiration hits. This ensures you never lose a great idea and can implement it at the optimal time.

The updated version of Content Library makes your content creation time-efficient and ensures your content is always platform-appropriate.

Watermarking Images

Personalization is key to your success. Our watermarking feature lets you tailor content to your or your client’s brand identity, adding a personal touch to each post. With this feature, you can watermark images directly within SocialPilot. So you need not switch between different applications.

All-New Collaboration Features

The All-New Collaboration Features

When you are juggling between multiple clients and teams, the enhanced collaboration features brought by SocialPilot was one of the favorites of our users in 2023. Recognizing the complexity of team coordination, we came up with features designed to make collaboration smoother and more efficient.

Inviting Team Members

This collaboration feature allows the owner or admin of a SocialPilot account to invite, manage, and collaborate with all your team members and clients, saving time and ensuring everyone is quickly onboarded. When sending invites, you have the flexibility to assign specific roles and permissions so each team member has access to the appropriate tools and resources they need for their role.

By facilitating easier invitations, these features ensure that coordination is no longer a hassle, allowing teams to focus more on creativity and less on administrative tasks.


Delays in client approval processes are a common bottleneck in social media management. However, with Approvals-On-The-Go, you can expedite approvals, ensuring a smoother and more efficient content lifecycle.

Your clients can review posts from anywhere with just a single click – without the need to log in to SocialPilot each time. These approval links are accessible from anywhere – be it a smartphone, tab, or a PC, eliminating the hassle of carrying a dedicated device.

Quicker approvals mean you can get your content out there in less time, keeping up with the fast-paced nature of social media.

Collaborate on Drafts

Collaborate on Drafts is yet another enhancement for team collaboration in social media management. It allows team members to work together on draft posts within the app, streamlining the content creation process.

Within the SocialPilot app, team members can collaborate directly on drafts, ensuring that every idea, image, or content piece is refined and prepared cohesively. The content development process is significantly expedited by allowing multiple contributors to work on the same draft simultaneously.

Drafts with Dates

Another significant enhancement to your content planning process and collaboration is “Draft with Dates.” This feature allows you to craft a detailed content calendar well in advance, ensuring your campaigns are fully prepared and strategically organized before their launch dates.

Having a comprehensive content calendar with specific dates attached to each draft ensures that your campaigns are executed seamlessly. This level of organization aids in maintaining a consistent content flow and upholding high-quality standards.

What’s New in Analytics 2023

What’s New in Analytics?

We have brought four significant updates to our platform that will help you identify which types of content are gaining popularity and what your audience is most interested in.

Upgraded Facebook Analytics Dashboard

As Facebook’s metrics have evolved over the years, SocialPilot has upgraded its Facebook Analytics Reports, and 2023 was nothing new. In order to include newer and more relevant metrics, we have introduced the all-new Facebook Analytics Dashboard

You can now have access to detailed Page-level and Post-level metrics for their Facebook content. This includes in-depth insights into crucial metrics like impressions and demographics, enabling more informed marketing decisions.

New and Improved Google Business Profile Analytics

Understanding the critical role Google Business Pages play in search results, we’ve refined our analytics section. It has proven to be a boon for small and medium-sized businesses aiming to boost their local presence.

The Google Profile Analytics dashboard now consolidates all customer reviews and conversations across your accounts in one place. This makes it easier to manage and respond to customer feedback. This update gives you enhanced insights and greater control over your online presence.

Advanced Reports of SocialPilot

Our Advanced Reports feature is a powerful feature designed to make analytics reporting for clients more efficient and user-friendly. It is especially beneficial for those handling multiple clients or profiles, as it simplifies the reporting process.

Get a bird’s-eye view of all your reports in one place. You can easily edit, manage, and auto-schedule your combined reports efficiently, providing better control and oversight over your analytics.

With advanced reports, we aim to enhance the efficiency of reporting processes and provide comprehensive insights crucial for effective client management and strategy optimization.

Twitter Analytics is Back

SocialPilot has brought back Twitter Analytics, and it is available to all its users, providing a comprehensive understanding of your Twitter account’s performance right within the SocialPilot platform. You can easily identify your best-performing tweets and understand what content resonates with your audience, allowing you to replicate successful strategies in future tweets.

By providing a clear picture of what’s working and what needs improvement, you can easily make more effective and targeted Twitter strategies.

New Integrations

New Integrations

Integrations mean more features, and just like any other year, we have integrated with some popular third-party tools to scale your social media efforts further. With every important tool integrated, your workflow gets streamlined.

Slack Integration

Constantly monitoring emails for updates on your social postings is a hassle and, more importantly, a time-consuming process. Thus, SocialPilot has integrated Slack to streamline your social media management process, bringing several key benefits to enhance workflow efficiency.

With SocialPilot on Slack, you get a comprehensive overview of all urgent pending tasks. This means you can quickly see what needs your attention without sifting through multiple emails or logging into different platforms.

This integration has proven quite critical for smoothening the communication process, enhancing team collaboration, and ensuring that you’re always informed about the most important updates timely.

Cloud Integration for File Uploads

With this new feature, you can import media from popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive, DropBox, and Box, enhancing their social media content management experience by providing greater convenience and efficiency.

Unsplash Integration

Another integration that streamlined the content creation process is the addition of Unsplash to SocialPilot. The integration allows you to access over 2 million high-resolution stock images on Unsplash through SocialPilot.

With the availability of 100% customizable, royalty-free images, you can create social media posts that are unique and that grasp the user’s attention. The Unsplash integration is a strategic asset for agencies looking to produce high-quality social media content quickly and efficiently.

We’ve designed our latest features with a singular goal: to empower you and your team for a successful year in your social media endeavors (at least). As always, our support team is ready to assist with any questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance or clarification.

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