What Is Social Media Monitoring?

Social media monitoring refers to the process businesses use to listen, leverage, and analyze data on social media platforms to make informed decisions. It involves tracking and analyzing conversations, keywords or hashtags, and mentions related to the business on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Social media monitoring (also referred to as social listening) aims to understand what the target audience and potential customers think about a particular brand, topic, or trend and the reception the business receives on various platforms.

More About Social Media Monitoring

Imagine if you could listen in on your audience on social media and tweak your strategies according to what they are saying.

Here’s where social media monitoring comes into play. The results of this process enable brands, businesses, and service providers to get customer and competitor insights to benchmark and improve their products, designs, features, and marketing strategies.

Any big or small organization, individual, or business can use social media monitoring techniques. According to a report, the global online media analytics market may grow to 15.6 billion USD by 2026.

So, what is social media monitoring?

It is the practice of monitoring and tracking trends, campaigns, and overall presence on social media platforms by analyzing relevant conversations, getting insights, and monitoring mentions and interactions around a brand, product, or topic.

For businesses and other users, the process helps with reputation and crisis management. It also helps to improve customer service and satisfaction as well as lead generation and conversions to sales.

Also, as a brand, you can more effectively identify influential users and thought leaders in your niche for better collaborations, brand awareness, and reach.

While the monitoring can be done manually by tracking keywords and hashtags, this can prove time-consuming and tedious. There are several social monitoring tools and software, such as Google Alerts, that can automate the process.

Social media monitoring is thus a technique that provides you with data, metrics, and analytics, along with inspiration and ideas to enhance and improve various areas of social media marketing. Using this technique, one can determine the following:

  • Social share of voice: It tells you what part of the relevant conversations and engagement online is about your profile or your brand.
  • Social sentiment: It allows you to track the mood of the audience or the general reception of the brand and enables you to manage and build a good image among your audience.
  • Competitor performance: It explains how your competitors are faring by analyzing their business tactics and strategies. You can use the insights to stay on top of trends and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Trends: It briefs you on what your potential customers are discussing and are interested in. It also informs you of the trending hashtags and keywords on different platforms relevant to your niche.
  • Social ROI: It presents the bottom line, i.e., the results delivered and the pay-off against your dollar investment in social media marketing strategies.

The following image shows the dashboard of the SocialPilot Social Inbox feature that helps track brand mentions and interactions across platforms for social media monitoring.

Social Media Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get started with social media monitoring?

A brand or other user can start the social media monitoring process by identifying and tracking keywords or hashtags related to their niche. You can also adopt a social media monitoring tool to get analytics and insights.

What are the benefits of social media monitoring?

There are several benefits for businesses, service providers, and other users in monitoring social media platforms, including

  • Getting insights from reports and analytics
  • Identifying trends and preferences
  • Creating better marketing strategies
  • Maintaining online reputation

How can monitoring be used for influencer outreach?

By monitoring social media channels, you can identify relevant individuals and entities with a large following and build engagement with them to amplify your brand awareness and improve reach and sales. With the help of social media monitoring tools, you can track and reach out to influencers and thought leaders beneficial for your brand or business.

What are the challenges in social media monitoring?

Some of the challenges involved in social media monitoring are as follows:

  • The vastness of social media channels can make it challenging to track relevant activities. The enormous volumes of data generated can be overwhelming, making it difficult to differentiate valuable insights from the noise.
  • Social media channels operate in real time with rapidly developing conversations and trends. Tracking updates and keeping up with relevant mentions will call for dedicated resources and super-efficient monitoring tools.
  • Accurate and contextual interpretation of audience sentiment and engagement metrics can be tricky for untrained or inexperienced users.
  • The range of platforms and data sources can lead to complexity in monitoring. Consolidating and analyzing data from multiple sources with different data access methods and APIs can pose a challenge.

How can social media monitoring help in crisis management?

You can use social media monitoring to stay on top of potentially negative situations by staying alert on how your business is faring among the target audience. Any concern, crisis, or negative mention or sentiment can be quickly dealt with by responding promptly and appropriately with effective social media monitoring tools. This helps mitigate any reputational downslides proactively.

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