Real Estate Facebook Ads: Sell Real Estate The Right Way!

Real Estate Facebook Ads: Sell Real Estate The Right Way!

Real Estate Facebook Ads Sell Real Estate The Right Way!

Got a property in your name to sell?

The best approach to go about the sale might be running an ad.

Yet, the point in case is, there are multiple platforms where you can run an ad. So the million-dollar question is – Which one should you go for in the case of real estate?

Our bets are for Facebook ads.

We know your follow-up question is – Why? And How?

Stick around as we dive into the depth of Real Estate Facebook Ads.

After all, no one said the devil is in the details!

All those immersed in the real estate business realize that the complexities of the real estate industry are manifolds.

There are various complications regarding the demand, paired with multiple short-term investors, long-term investors, rental market, and actual users.

Due to extensive market volatility and frequent cases of ad expenses springing out of hand, you need to be very careful with your real estate Facebook marketing.

Let us look at the worthiness of Real Estate Facebook Ads.

Are Facebook Ads Better than Other Advertising platforms?

While most other advertising platforms help you find new customers, Facebook ads help customers find you!

The conversion rate, in that case, is next to 100% because you can reach your target audience. Specific targeting via age, interests, and location is the key to this.

Let us not forget how cheap this platform is!

While for real estate, most other platforms may burn a hole in your pocket, Facebook ads are genuinely helpful at low cost.

Cost-effectiveness is an essential factor when it comes to real estate because most realtors and agencies end up spending a fortune to roll out a decent advertisement.

So, to be exact, how much does it cost to put out your real estate ad on Facebook?

Let us find out!

How Much Real Estate Facebook Ads Cost?

The most straightforward answer – There is no price tag for the ads!

With the help of the “budget and schedule” section on Facebook ads, you can affix your budget and then do bidding.


You can easily set your daily budget and run your ad based on your choice of days.

It does not matter if you wish to run it daily or on specific days; you have the freedom to choose.

If you are a realtor, the odds are that your spending relies on the commission income from your sales. Trust us when we say that the quantum of that income is inconsequential when it comes to running a real estate Facebook ad.

Now, let us assume your advertisement is not for a property but for yourself as a realtor.

The good news is – It makes zero difference.

You can follow the same pattern of setting the budget and dates to run your ad without a single sweat!

How to Run Real Estate Ads on Facebook?

STEP 1: Pre-advertising Prep

There are millions of ads out there.

On Facebook alone, 723,325 ads are present in the Ad Library. With that whopping number, the pressure on you is to stand out.

This is the core reason why pre-advertising prep is crucial.

As a part of this step, you must do the following:

  • Conduct market research to understand who your target audience is. By doing this, you can compose your ad such that it appeals to the target audience.
  • Understand how much the competition is spending. You can use Facebook ads Library to research the spendings of the competitors on advertisements.
  • Hire a professional, if necessary. To make your ad stand out from the crowd, you need premium content. To get premium content, you would need to hire an expert.

STEP 2: Setting Up the Page

To set up your page, you require three main things:

  1. Your personal account on Facebook
  2. Your business’s page on Facebook
  3. Your business manager account on Facebook

You can skip the third one as it is optional.

Since the whole process requires you to have an established page for running the ad, the apt thing would be to grow your advertiser page.

The size of your advertiser page can range from small to largest pages based on the spending in USD.

The largest pages can run as many as 20,000 ads.

To commence your journey towards running ads for your real estate business, you should create an ad/ad manager section in your Facebook account.

Creating an ad via your personal account is not preferable.

You can use your business manager account for this purpose.

For a personal account, click on the “Create” button and then click on “Ad.”

For your business manager account, make an ad account by clicking on “Create Ad Account” and then head over to the ad manager.


STEP 3: Understanding Customers

Since market research is likely already undertaken to determine the target audience’s preferences, this step deals more with manifestations of the things found in the research.

What does this manifestation involve?

Here you must find out the audiences that bring in the highest ROI. Some of these target audiences could be:

  • Individuals who have visited your pricing page
  • All the visitors of your page, past and present.
  • If you have a blog, then the readers of the blog.
  • Visitors to the landing page.

STEP 4: Create Audience

Since the audience here means the masses of people you target for your real estate ad, this step can be labeled one of the most crucial steps.

In this step, you create audiences by going to the “Audiences” section of the Ads Manager.


STEP 5: Determining Ad Placement

By the term “Ad Placement,” we refer to the places where you can run your ad.

To complete this step, you must head over to “Ads Manager.”

Once here, choose your objective and hit the continue button. From there, you can go to the Placements section.

Here you can either opt for automatic placement or manual placement. You can select or deselect the boxes based on your preferences.


STEP 6: Deciding on Your Budget

For impressions, Facebook charges $1 a day to run an ad.

For clicks, likes, video views, or post-engagement on ads, Facebook charges you a minimum of $5 a day.

Depending on your research of the competitor and your understanding of your finances, you can spend what you think is right.

You must pen down the absolute final budget at this stage since your ad is now about to run, and it will cost you a pretty penny daily!

5 Tips to Create Effective Real Estate Facebook Ads

1. Gain Edge Over Others via Targeting

Targeting the right crowd is at the epicenter of success in Real Estate Facebook Ads. Even though there are so many people on Facebook, a relatively small percentage of those will be looking to buy real estate.

You can select “Lookalike Audience” to maximize your chances of lead conversion. After all, you do not need to run your ad in front of thousands who will ignore it. Instead, you need to show it to hundreds who will respond positively to it.

2. Use of Videos

The use of pictorial ads seems like an ancient thing today. What truly grabs attention is a well-formulated video-based ad. In the case of real estate, the video could be a walkthrough of the property showing the interior and exterior so that the viewer feels the way they would have upon visiting the property in person.

3. Build Trust via Details

When you exhibit transparency and provide details, the customers start trusting you. Their trust is the beginning of a loyal buyer-seller relationship.

From details of the features to call-to-action and special promos, every single detail will grab you an extra point against the competition.

4. Carousel Ads to Show the Property

Through this, you can exhibit multiple slides and even write the words “swipe left.” Besides, asking to swipe on a carousel post earns better chances of engagement.

5. Spending More Could Work in Your Favor

We understand if your budget is quite stringent. But reconsider being too strict with your budget.

You can call it the case of – if you buy cheap, you buy twice.

By spending more on your real estate Facebook ad, you can increase your visibility and chances of recognition if you are advertising to a new audience.

4 Examples of the Best Real Estate Facebook Ads

1. Zephyr Real Estate

The ad rolled out by Zephyr Real Estate shared the listings along with a call-to-action and an illuminated photo of the property.


2. Windermere Real Estate

Windermere Real Estate used a carousel post, redirecting probable leads to their Instagram profile to attract people on both the social platforms. They ensured to make good use of the right hashtags.

Windermere Real Estate

3. REMAX New Dimension

The advertisement rolled out by REMAX New Dimension appealed to the audience’s emotional sensibility using emotional marketing.

REMAX New Dimension

4. Levinson Real Estate

At Levinson Real Estate, they used distinct views of the house in carousel and video format. They also showcased the aerial view of the property in their ads.

Levinson Real Estate

How to Get the Most out of Facebook Ads for Real Estate?

To optimize your real estate Facebook ad, you need to follow a high conversion strategy involving Facebook Pixel.

By understanding the effectiveness of your advertisement as measured by Facebook Pixel, your odds of ruling out any and every misstep increases.

In addition to this, you should also be crystal clear about your campaign’s goal. If you think one of your posts is quite engaging, convert it to an ad.

In Sum

Bid adieu to the time when selling a house required extensive knowledge and footwork on the part of realtors.

Not only is the virtual wisdom of Facebook Ads a sturdy marketing strategy but also an effective means of selling the likes of houses, and condos.

The best part is, there is a lot of buzz towards this in the world of real estate. You can achieve all your desired goals with effective Facebook marketing for real estate agents.

And while we talk of Facebook marketing don’t forget to use SocialPilot for the best results on your marketing efforts. The tool not only will help you in scheduling your posts on time but also help you analyze their performance.

Wait no more. Go for it today!

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 How do I choose the right audience for my real estate business?

Choosing the right audience is very crucial. For this, you can begin with a defined based audience and add subsequent categories with time. Look at the performance of your ads, from there target the best responding audience.

🌟 Do images work as well as videos for Real Estate Facebook Ads?

Videos happen to drive more views and better engagement on Facebook while images exhibit easy scanability. It is for you to decide what you want for the success of your brand.

🌟 Is it possible that a real estate ad gets rejected by Facebook?

Yes, it is possible if you do not comply with the advertising policies of Facebook. Thoroughly scan through the policies to ensure your ad is good to go. To view Facebook advertising policies, click here.

🌟 What is the process of generating leads for real estate on Facebook?

To generate leads on Facebook, you should plan and create your ad campaign while boosting your page. This should be followed by setting the audience and budget determination. Facebook also offers the option of customized image and text in ad, you can use this to orient it for lead generation.

🌟 What type of images should I put in real estate ads?

Images that have people in it perform better for Facebook Ads. While real estate ads are meant to have images of houses and condos in it, adding a few people to the mix might be a good idea.

About the Author

Picture of Jimit Bagadiya

Jimit Bagadiya

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