More About It:
The first question that arises is, how do keywords help you find what you are looking for? Think about it, when you are searching for information on social media, you want to find the most relevant content possible, right?
And that’s where keywords come in.
When you use keywords like “bestcafesintown” or “Trendingmovies,” social media algorithms can surface the most relevant posts, articles, and videos for you. It’s like a treasure hunt for information; keywords are the map.
You would probably have used keywords if you ever searched for something on the internet. Keywords are the little phrases that you type into the search bar to help you find what you are looking for. And trust me, keywords play a big role in how the internet works.
When you think about it, with billions of websites, how does a search engine like Google know what to show you when you search for something? That’s where keywords come in.
Similarly, by using keywords in your post descriptions, you’re essentially telling algorithm what your site is about. It eases the prcoess for people to find your content when they’re searching for information on a specific topic.
An example of it would be if you are running a blog about gaming and things related to it, your keywords might include words such as “budget gaming,” “best games,” and other things related to it.
So, the next time you type a search into Google or Instagram, think about the role keywords play in helping you find what you’re looking for. They may seem small, but they’re a big part of how the internet works and how we find the information we need.