How to Tag a Page on Facebook to Grow Your Brand (With Tips)

How to Tag a Page on Facebook to Grow Your Brand (With Tips)

How to Tag a Page on Facebook to Grow Your Brand

It is estimated that by the year 2025, business spending on social media advertising will reach $233.137 billion.

Currently, Facebook has around 2.8 billion active users globally. Because of such a massive user base, it is a favorable platform among marketers. Paradoxically, such a broad user base also makes it difficult to reach the target audience because of the amount of content posted daily on the platform.

To ensure that your content is discovered by the right people in this infinite sea of content, thorough optimization is required. This is where using the tags effectively comes into the picture.

In this article, we will discuss how to tag a Facebook page to grow your brand’s audience online.

Let’s roll.

Why is it Important to Tag a Business Page on Facebook?

Before we learn how to tag businesses on Facebook, let us first understand the importance of using tags on Facebook.

A tag refers to a unique link to someone’s Facebook profile or page. The tagged person or page will get notified of your Facebook posts and shared content whenever you use tags.

By tagging, you are directly appealing to your desired audience. Here are some of the benefits of tagging business pages on Facebook:

1. It allows the post to gain engagement from tagged business pages. It also helps to increase brand awareness as the content will also be visible to followers of the tagged business page.

2. Tagging can help you reach new customers. By including tags, you can also reach an audience who are not familiar with the industry your brand is catering to, thus opening up a possibility to gain new audience.

3. Tagging builds a sense of trust among the target audience. It shows people that your brand isn’t just about promoting its products, but it believes in interacting with its customers to establish a connection.

Overall, tagging is a technique that allows you to show your brand’s credibility, resulting in building trust, loyalty, and increased revenue in general.

How to Tag a Business Page on Facebook?

Be it how to tag a page on Facebook or how to tag a business page on Facebook, the process to do both is identical. Below are the steps to tag a page on Facebook:

Step 1: For tagging another page or a person, type the character ‘@’ and then start writing the name of the page.

Step 2: Once you begin typing the name of the page after the ‘@’ character, a drop box will appear from which you have to select the page that you are looking to tag.

Step 3: The tagged page or person’s name would be highlighted in light blue color, which is an indication that you have successfully tagged the page.

Step 4: The last step is to publish the post. Voila, you have completed the process of tagging.

But just tagging businesses randomly won’t do any trick for you. You should research and jot down the kind of pages that would help your brand reach your stated marketing objectives and build a sound marketing strategy for tagging them.

5 Effective Tips for Tagging Facebook Pages

The point of tagging other business pages is to build trust with your audience. Therefore, it shouldn’t feel forced or out of context. Here are some of the ways you can start tagging others:

1. You can begin by tagging your business partners in your posts. It can be a congratulatory post or the post where you also announce your upcoming projects or products in collaboration. There are numerous ways to tag business partners in your posts.

2. A strategy should be made to carve out how often you will tag your partners in your posts. Tagging your partners regularly allows them to see that your brand is always putting its best foot forward and is serious about the collaboration.

3. Events, webinars, and meetings are great occasions to tag other businesses. You can promote events of other companies that are relevant to your target audience.

4. If you promote the webinars and events of other businesses, then there is always a possibility that the tagged business page might return the favor by doing the same for you in the future. Otherwise, you also reach out to the business to repost your content on their Facebook page.

5. Create a list of business pages that you want to tag on Facebook in advance, and you can also reach out to them for collaboration. Monitor their Facebook activities to keep tabs on their latest activities.

Methods to Simplify Tagging

Here are some tips that you can follow to make tagging simple for you:

1. Use desktop to post instead of the Facebook mobile application. This is because various business accounts of similar names are present on Facebook, and navigating each of them to find the right account is more difficult on mobile. Operating a desktop makes the job a little easier.

2. You can also try tagging by using a management application. These applications can assist you in reducing the time spent in searching for correct business page tags and increase the efficiency of the process.

Therefore, integrating your Facebook with a 3rd party application could come in handy. But before choosing the application, make sure that you have considered its limitations.

3. Tag only businesses that won’t mind getting tagged by you; otherwise, you can get in trouble. To ensure that you don’t hurt the sentiments of any companies, it is advisable to inform them beforehand.

4. Don’t tag more than two business pages at once. If you are using more tags, there is a chance that Facebook might mark your posts as spam and it would be removed from the platform. Also, multiple tagging multiple businesses can create a bad impression on one business.

What to Watch out for While Tagging?

Every social media platform provides guidelines for using tags to avoid tag dumping on the posts. The same is the case with Facebook. If the provided guidelines are not adhered to, the platform can mark the post as spam, and your content will not be discovered.

Other than guidelines, you should also look out if Facebook is mistakenly categorizing your content as ‘branded content’. A branded content is a post that is influenced by other businesses for some amount of money.

There are many occasions when these types of content have been removed from Facebook, even if they were not branded content.

That is why before posting content, make sure that Facebook is not marking your post as branded content. You can know more about this by reading about it on your business page in the settings tab.

Final Notes

Above was all the information that you needed to know for growing your brand’s reach on Facebook by tagging other businesses. There are numerous benefits of tagging business pages on posts. If done correctly, it has the potential to gain new customers and ultimately increase the sales.

SocialPilot provides cost-effective marketing tools that can help you grow your brand’s customer engagement on Facebook. Its tools provide a host of features to effectively collaborate and communicate with your clients and team.

To know more about its client management tools, try SocialPilot now!

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 Are tags useful for platforms other than Facebook?

Yes. You can use tags on other social media platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube to optimize your social media posts.

🌟 How many tags are allowed on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to tag 30 people or pages in a single photo. And if you are looking to tag a business, it is advisable to use only two tags.

🌟 When I tag, do other people or pages that I tagged get to know about it?

Yes. The pages you have tagged receive notifications, and people who are following them will see your posts.

🌟 Is it better to put tags in comments?

Whether the tag is in the posts or the comment section, the functionality is not changed. Hence, it will not make any difference if you put the tags in the comment section.

🌟 How do I remove a tag from my Facebook page?

There are a series of steps involved in this process. To know about it in detail, visit Facebook Business Help Centre.

About the Author

Picture of Jimit Bagadiya

Jimit Bagadiya

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