How to Get More Views on TikTok: 10 Tips & Tricks

How to Get More Views on TikTok: 10 Tips & Tricks

Discover how to get more views on TikTok and expand your audience base. Dive into 10 tips to enhance the visibility and reach of your TikTok account, helping your content shine brighter than ever!

How to Get More Views on TikTok

TikTok has taken the world by storm – over a billion people use it today!

As TikTok continues to grow in popularity, more and more marketers are looking for ways to get their videos to stand out from the competition and receive more views.

And why wouldn’t they?

TikTok exposes you to new audiences you might not have found on other platforms. It is one of the few places where you can almost guarantee getting in front of Gen Z.

But getting all those GenZ and millennial eyeballs to your content requires more than just riding on the latest trends and praying your videos to go viral.

While there is no surefire way of success, you can do a few things to improve your chances of being noticed.

In this blog post, we’ll share some of the best tips and tricks for getting more views on your TikTok videos. So if you’re ready to start gaining more exposure for your content, Let’s see how to get more views on TikTok.

What Exactly is a TikTok “View”?

Every social media platform defines a view differently. For example, on TikTok, it’s considered to be a view as soon as your video begins playing. And if the viewer watches it a second, third, or even multiple times, each of those sessions will be considered as views too.

As you can see, getting views is not the most challenging thing. However, if you’re hoping to get viewers to watch until the end of your videos, that’s a different ball game.

Why am I not Getting TikTok Views?

To get more views on TikTok you need to start by understanding the reason behind not receiving the desired views on TikTok. Herein are the possible reasons:

  • Posting content at the wrong time: Posting the content at the wrong time can negatively impact its reach and risk your content to be pushed down in the feeds.
  • You have a new account: If you have a new TikTok account, you won’t immediately get a high number of views. You will need to grow your audience over time and follow popular content creation trends to earn your share of views on the platform.
  • Low engagement on your content: Low engagement results when users dont like your content and interact with it the least. Due to low engagement, TikTok stops showing that unpopular content to audience.
  • Posting sensitive content: Posting sensitive content that shows violence, real or fake can be sensitive for certain viewers and result to decrease in number of views.
  • Shadowban: Shadowban can result when creators violate any minor terms of service and experience a light ban from the algorithm.

In 2020, TikTok launched its Creator Fund, which officially allows the app’s most popular and successful users to make money through their content. There is no specific payment plan or set fee; however, TikTok pays out $0.02 and $0.04 per 1,000 views.

View on TikTok

So obviously, the more views you get for a video, the more money you can make. However, in order to join the Creator Fund, there are a few requirements you need to meet:

  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • You need a minimum of 10,000 followers.
  • You have to have had a minimum of 100,000 video views in the last 30 days.
  • You must live in the UK, US, Germany, France, Spain, or Italy.
  • Your account must meet the Guidelines and Terms of Service as set out by the TikTok Community.

If you don’t think this is achievable, don’t fear! There are several other ways you can make money on this app. For example, you could partner with a brand you resonate with and get paid to promote their products (and the opposite can be done if you’re a business looking to promote your goods), or you can simply use your TikTok account to advertise your products.

tiktok checklist

How to Get More Views on TikTok in 2024: 10 Tips & Tricks

No matter what reason you have for using TikTok, one thing remains true: the more views you get, the better engagement. Of course, some people have suggested that you should buy views, but this is usually never a good idea, regardless of which social media platform you’re considering doing it for.

Get More TikTok Views

Yes, the number of views you get will shoot up at first, but in the long run, individuals often find that their engagement rates drop and their number of followers doesn’t even increase. So instead, invest your time and use these tips – your view metrics will quickly start rising.

1. Use Hashtags

This is an extremely powerful tool as the TikTok algorithm uses hashtags to identify and categorize what you’re posting about so that it can recommend it to viewers who may be interested. You could also look at the current trending topics and join the conversation using those hashtags.

Use Hashtags

2. Hop on Those Sound Effect Trends

You won’t find trends only in the hashtag department on TikTok. Many of the songs also go through phases where they’re wildly popular, like Supalonely by Benee or Say so by Doja Cat.

Here’s a step-by-step process to using trending sounds in your video:

Step 1: To begin, tap “+”

Step 2: Select “Sounds” at the top of your screen

Sound Effect Trends

You can also use TikTok’s Discover Page to look for Sounds. Simply type the song’s title into the search field and scroll to locate “Sounds.”

TikTok's Discover Page

The TikTok algorithm determines which songs are trending based on TikTok users’ behavior, video shares, and, of course, plays.

Step 1: Browse the sound library, then tap the sound and select it

Step 2: Record your video, and your chosen sound will play as you film

3. Do a Duet

No, we’re not suggesting you do a TikTok video with someone else. This feature allows you to share a split-screen with another video – it can be one of your own or another user.

You’ll be on the other half of the screen, and depending on the video you’re using, you can sing along, do a review, or even a funny dialogue. What’s great about this idea is that you can use content that you know has been popular, so getting more views should be easy.

Take a look at Vessi, a Canadian shoe company known for making waterproof sneakers and performing admirably on TikTok, thanks to the brand’s brilliant use of Duet to create viral videos and reach a larger audience.

The Duet giveaway was one of the company’s most successful efforts.

successful efforts

This is a simple but extremely powerful strategy – a Duet with your followers, in which you showcase your products while also giving them the chance to win free products.

It’s a win-win situation. You get to reach a wider audience and show off your incredible products, while your followers get to win free prizes.

4. Target the Right Audience

This is always an important thing to remember – targeting a certain sub-category of TikTok viewers allows you to create consistency and a tone of voice that resonates with your viewers.

Once you know this, you can find other accounts or communities and see what content they’re producing, their hashtags, and more. Then, use this as inspiration on your own TikTok account.

5. Word Your Caption Wisely

With a 4000-character caption length, TikTok gives you enough space to play around. You can say a lot to capture your audience’s attention and get them to watch your video.

Your caption also serves as an excellent spot to get the conversation going with your audience in the comments section. The more you get your audience to engage with you, the better – especially for the TikTok algorithm.

However, your copy needs to be intriguing and effective to engage the audience. Sure, videos rule the land of TikTok, but a well-structured copy equipped with the right keywords helps you get more visibility.

So, how do you write a TikTok caption that makes you stand out from the crowd, attract the right audience, and help you resonate with them? Well, the most easy way is to use our TikTok caption generator.

Just jot down your topic, add the keywords, select a tone, and watch it whip up captivating captions that keep your audience engaged and drive them to take action. Try it now!

TikTok Caption Generator

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6. Promote Your TikTok Videos on All Your Social Media Accounts

Whether you’re using TikTok for personal or business reasons, it’s unlikely that you’re only using one social media platform.

However, suppose TikTok is just an element of your marketing strategy. In that case, you should definitely promote your TikTok video on your other channels, as this may entice more of your followers to view your TikTok videos.

7. Get Viewers to Watch Your Whole Video

A view is a view whether someone watches the first two seconds of your video or the whole thing. However, getting viewers to watch your entire video is essential. The TikTok algorithm views this favorably and is more likely to show your videos in the For You Page recommendations.

So how to bring retention to your videos?

First, consider adding headings that explain your video and content that invite viewers to Duet, stitch, or comment. You may accomplish this in the video and your caption by putting a call to action.

Ask questions in your caption and encourage people to submit comments. Then, when they do comment, start a dialogue with them. Add value to the conversation instead of short, one-word comments to keep people coming back to your comment section.

Look how Walmart does it perfectly.

Watch Your Whole Video

8. Post at The Right Time

Once you’ve determined who your target audience is, you can begin to learn when is the best time to post on TikTok for them. TikTok is used in very different ways by working mothers, college-age fashionistas, influencers, and businesses.

Fortunately, TikTok provides analytics to help you determine when your videos receive the most engagement. Remember that TikTok is a global app, so your audience may not even be in the same country, let alone the same time zone, as you.

9. Prioritize Quality

While it’s true that the majority of TikTok videos are shot on people’s phones, that’s no reason to skimp on quality. You should still use proper framing, good lighting, and the best sound quality possible. All of these elements will keep users interested. Not to mention that TikTok prioritizes higher-quality videos on the For You Page.

10. Post Multiple Videos Per Day

The more videos you post, the more exposure you’re likely to get. For example, if you make a video about gym and someone who is watching workout videos on TikTok sees it, they may visit your page and watch your other videos.

The best part is that you won’t have to worry about your followers’ feeds being flooded. That’s because the way TikTok curates its feeds, it won’t feel as overwhelming for your audience as it would if you posted multiple Instagram photos or Facebook videos per day.

If you feel the pressure of maintaining a consistent posting on TikTok, then you can use a TikTok scheduler.

Is posting multiple times a day on your client’s TikTok account taking a toll on your efficiency and creativity?

It’s time to ditch the manual posting and start posting your TikTok videos automatically with SocialPilot. Use SocialPilot’s TikTok scheduler to create and schedule posts for multiple TikTok accounts from a single dashboard.

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Wrapping UP!

After reading all of these tips, it’s clear that there are numerous ways to improve your videos that don’t rely solely on “tricking” the algorithm. TikTok is, without a doubt, one of the best platforms for creators. It emphasizes enjoyment and rewards users for being inventive. Overall, the more you can connect with an audience, the better your content will perform.

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 Why am I getting fewer views on TikTok?

When you generate sensitive content, it's one of the main reasons your TikTok receives low views. This could include videos with fake blood, arms, weapons, or anything else that might scare the audience. Although such content does not violate TikTok's Terms of Service (TOS), it may be damaging to some platform users.

🌟 How many views in an hour on TikTok is good?

Viral videos must get at least 500 full views in half an hour, if not more. A single view, according to TikTok, is when visitors watch the video without skipping or leaving. However, if the viewer loops the video, each loop counts as one view.

🌟 How do I give myself more views on TikTok?

To boost the number of views on TikTok, it is suggested that you use hashtags and tags to categorize your material so that other users can find it more easily. In addition, identical content can be shared on Facebook or Instagram in addition to TikTok, which may attract non-TikTok users to sign up for an account.

About the Author

Picture of Joshua Atkins

Joshua Atkins

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