How to Add Information about Your Services on Your Facebook Page

How to Add Information about Your Services on Your Facebook Page

How to Add Information about Your Services on Your Facebook Page

Done with creating your business page on Facebook? That’s not it.

Facebook’s Services section helps you spread a word about why you are different from your competitors. It’s your opportunity to boost your sales as well as ROI as you can put the Shop section to its best use. So grab it!

You won’t see the Services tab on your page by default, unless you are listed as a service-based business. You need to add the Services tab manually and to do so, you must be an admin of the page.

Steps to add the Services tab on your Facebook Business Page

1. Go to the Settings tab at the top of your business page.

settings tab

2. Select Templates and Tabs from the left column, and click on Add a Tab.

select templates

3. Click on Add Tab before the Services option.

service option

4. Click Close.

The Services tab is successfully added to the menu bar.

Now go back to the Home page and click Services to add a service. You will see a form like the one in the image below

add service

Here you can add the service name and detailed information about it. Also, you can add a related image and the price at which you are offering your service.

Once you are done, click Save and you are through with adding a service. Similarly, you can add information about all the services that you have to offer.

What information should you add about a service?

Facebook doesn’t provide the feature of rearranging your services as yet. The services are displayed in the order that you enter them. The first service that you enter will move to the bottom while the service entered at the last will appear first.

However, you still can choose the information you want to include for a particular service.

Add important information first

Since you have limited space for describing your service, make sure you describe it in a way that shows its value. Treat the description like an elevator pitch and write like it’s your last chance to inspire your target audience to buy from you.

Include the information that people must learn about first. Keep it crisp and clear. Then you can go ahead with adding additional information within the 600-character limit that you’ve got. So when your prospective customers click on a service, they will see the important information before they click ‘More’ to read more.

Use imagery

Though adding information about your services will do the needful, adding a related imagery can help you do your branding too. If you have an image available for each service that you have added on your website, use those images on your Facebook business page.

You can edit or delete a service later as per your requirements. Go to the service that you want to edit or delete and click Edit/Delete on its bottom right corner.

Add one service at a time

If you have a wide range of services to offer, for instance, IT services like Web Development, Web Designing, Digital Marketing, and Content Marketing, make sure you add one service at a time. Adding one service at a time allows you to enter detailed information about each service, which provides an in-depth insight to people at the first glance.

In case you offer one service across different verticals, choose to add small details about the service using each service item separately. This way you can make your service more enticing to your target customers.

Add the price of your service

You can add price for each service that you have mentioned on your page. Although, it doesn’t work like the Shop section works for a product-based business page.

But do not worry. Use the cover photo to call people to act on your content. Include your website link, email address and contact number in your About section. Get your potential customers to call you or send across an email and schedule a one-on-one meeting with them to pitch to them. It never fails to act as an alternative Call to Action for a service-based business.

Therefore, there is no particular way to add information about your services. It’s your platform to experiment with different styles of adding information and see which one produces the best results for your business. The content that gets you more responses in terms of calls or emails or filling out of more number of contact forms is what you should go with.

Your ultimate goal should be to get as many qualified leads as possible from your Facebook page.

How does adding information about services help your business grow?

The biggest benefit of adding the Services tab on to your Facebook business page is that you can list and showcase all your services for people to be aware about them. Alongside, you can display the price of each service if you really want to. But be careful, because it can either be encouraging for visitors to know more about your services, or it can be a disappointment for them to switch to one of your competitors.

Note: Adding a price or not is completely up to you. If you do not want to disclose the price, you can choose not to.

A services section on your page provides you with several other benefits. Here’s how:

Creates awareness

When you add a service to your business page, you create awareness for it among people. While the Services tab helps you do so, you can do so by tagging a service in your image post.

Let’s take a look at how to add a tag to a post:

Once you create a post for your business page’s timeline, open the post.

create a post

Hover over the post and select the ‘Tag Products’ icon.

Tag Products

Type in the service name and click ‘Done Tagging’.

It’s that easy!

Engage with your prospects

Now that you have tagged your posts with your services’ names, people will click on it and engage with your posts more. Some of them would visit your page to learn more about your services and may even visit your website for additional information about your brand. Some of them may even leave a message on your page looking for answers to their queries. Grab this opportunity to start communication with them.

List any number of services

Adding services to your page doesn’t require you to add them anywhere else before. You can add any number of your services to your page at any time.

A few tips to follow when you add the Services section to your business page

Keep information up-to-date and delete any obsolete service

Always make sure that the information added for a service on your Facebook page is up-to-date and is not missing any important element. It helps dodge the biggest demon of the digital world, criticism, and ensures a great customer experience at any time. In addition, delete any service from your page that you are no longer offering.

Ask for customer reviews

When your page has a Services section that provides people with the required information and inspires them to seal a deal with you, you can also ask them to leave ratings and reviews for you using the Reviews section available on the page by default. The more ratings and reviews you have, the more you can build a sense of trust among new visitors.

Add your business’s local address

Getting successful at providing an enriching and positive customer experience is not enough. You need to add your physical office’s address on your business page to be able to increase your footfall. A happy customer may like to personally visit you, especially if they are not tech-savvy and do not like to transact online.

Share information about the new services

When you add a service to your official page, the next step is to share the same on your timeline. People want to know what you are up to and a post from you on their News Feed helps them connect with you better.

Add description for services

Though adding a description for a service is optional. You may add one or you may not. But it is advised that you do not only add the names of your services and hope to stay ahead of your competitors. You need to add essential content related to the service while also specifying the context. Let people know what you want them to do after learning about your service. Leave something for them to act upon.

Cheat Codes to remember while adding your service to Facebook

  1. The picture size for a service is the same size as your profile picture. Facebook recommends dimensions of 180px by 180px. However, you can keep it to a minimum of 160px by 160px.

    Remember: The image should have a ratio of 1:1.

  2. You cannot reorder your services once you have entered them. Be careful and add the services in the order you would want your visitors to see them.
  3. Use the pricing option to encourage a Call to Action. For instance, use Ask for Price or Custom to start a conversation. Further, use the CTA button on your cover image and connect it with the Book Now button on your website.

This is how choosing to add the Services section to your Facebook page helps you earn an increased number of leads for your business. It’s definitely not to say that a Services section will boost your brand’s ROI or take your business from zero to one. But what it will do for sure is encourage your prospective customers to want to know more about you and probably do business with you.

The job is not done yet! Once you add the services, it’s time to create posts for your facebook page timeline that will keep people engaged with your brand thereafter. Check out in the next chapter, how to create an engaging post.

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 How do I add Services on my Facebook page?

Here are the steps to adding information to the Services tab on your Facebook business page –

  1. Add the services tab on your page
  2. Add the most important service first
  3. Include an image of your Service
  4. Add the price of your service (Remember it doesn’t work like the Shop tab)
  5. Add the next service

About the Author

Picture of Manvi Agarwal

Manvi Agarwal

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