Facebook Influencer Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

Facebook Influencer Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

Ranked third, Facebook is one of the top social media platforms important for influencer marketing.

Businesses of all scales across the globe are making the most of Facebook influencer marketing.

Don’t you want to be one of those businesses?

If yes then get ready for a knowledgeable ride regarding Facebook influencer marketing.

We’ll break down all the nitty-gritties of making a successful Facebook influencer marketing campaign tailored for your business.

Let’s roll.

Why Choose Facebook for Influencer Marketing?

No doubt, Facebook is not the first choice of today’s Gen Z audience, but still, it has not lost its significance when we talk about people belonging to Gen X and the millennials category.

Here are some of the particular reasons Facebook is still an excellent choice for your influencer marketing campaign.


Luckily, Facebook’s popularity has had no significant damage due to the wrath Facebook faced in 2018 for the Cambridge Analytica Scandal, data breach issues, and compliance with the latest European data protection laws.

It still has clocked around 2.6 billion monthly active users across the globe. Staggering, isn’t it? This is what creates an opportunity for businesses to market their brand to their target audience.

Engaged Audience

Irrespective of its popularity, Facebook has users who are hooked to using Facebook daily. There are around 1.8 billion daily users on Facebook who spend at least 58 minutes using the platform.

Preferred by Influencers

You can get the most desired results from the enormous and engaged audience Facebook provides. The icing on the cake is that the influencers themselves prefer Facebook as one of the leading platforms to execute influencer marketing.

Here’s an example of Kylie Jenner helping a tea brand in the promotion using Facebook influencer marketing.


These are some of the top reasons you should pick Facebook for your influencer marketing. But the main question is, how can you create your successful Facebook influencer marketing strategy?

Are there some key points which you need to keep in mind? Or it’s just an easy-peasy thing to crack.

A Successful Strategy for Facebook Marketing Campaign

Well, creating a Facebook influencer marketing strategy specific to your business is not rocket science. But if a few of the critical points are not taken care of, it can lead to a failed campaign.

You don’t want that, right? So if you are still thinking how does influencer marketing works on facebook, let’s discuss all the key points which can play a deciding role in the success of your campaign.

Deciding Campaign Goals, KPIs and Target Audience

Like any other marketing campaign, step one for Facebook influencer marketing campaigns should analyze your goals, target audience, and performance indicators to track your campaign goals.


If we talk about specific business goals with Facebook influencer campaign, here are some of the desired results that businesses crave:

  • Successful brand awareness
  • Increased leads and sales
  • Engaged audience base
  • Loyal customers

After finalizing your business goals, you can filter out your target audience.

Target Audience

You can’t get over-excited about your influencer marketing campaign after finalizing your goals. For each specific goal, you need to answer specific questions about your target audience.

For example, if your goal is to convert leads into sales, you need to know information like:

  • What type of people will buy your product?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What are their demographics?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What do they desire?

On the other hand, if your motive is to build brand awareness, you need to be crystal clear regarding who are the ideal people that can take an interest in your Facebook campaign? What do they do when they hang out on Facebook?

Answering all these questions will help you filter out your target audience as per your business goals.

Key Performance Indicators

Once you have your goals clearly defined and your target audience specified, the next step is to establish your KPIs for your project. These indicators will help you analyze your influencer campaign performance and ultimately help determine the success or failure of the campaign.

Organizing Your Campaign

After your initial digging, you need to step up the gears a bit. It’s time to make some crucial decisions regarding your Facebook influencer campaign.

First of all, you need to set up your budget. It will decide in what direction your next step should be, what category of influencer you can hire, and whether you can outsource your entire campaign management yourself or if you want to outsource it.

These crucial decisions are all based on your budget and the time you have to see your results in reality. So now the stage is set for you to hop on to the next step of crafting a successful Facebook Influencer marketing campaign.

Finding the Right Facebook Influencers

One of the most underrated yet crucial aspects of any type of influencer marketing is associating your brand with the right influencer.

You can just choose any famous influencer or the ones with more followers behind their back. You need to carry out the excellent work you did in the previous steps and diligently involve in the influencer filtering process.

Here are some critical questions you need to answer while picking out the influencer for your Facebook campaign.

  • Does the influencer produce content that is relevant to your industry?
  • Does their audience align with your target audience?
  • Does the influencer have a positive image and a healthy relationship with their audience?
  • Can they bring in higher engagement rates for your campaign?

To simplify the process, you can make use of multiple external tools for your Facebook influencer research. (More on this later)

Here’s an example of one of those tools filtering out the best Facebook influencers for a mobile phone-related niche.


Once you figure out your right influencer partner, you need to start with the execution.

Execution Time

Whether you are outsourcing the campaign or handling it yourself, you need to be actively involved during the execution. Have a cup of espresso with the influencer to discuss what type of content you’ll have for the campaign, when and how the posts will be scheduled, and other necessary information related to your campaign.

Give your influencer the creative freedom to sprinkle their magic on your campaign and help make the marketing campaign a success. Also, make sure that the influencer is right on track with the content calendar and the timely execution.

After the execution, you need to make sure that the results align with your goals decided in the first place.

Tracking Your Campaign Performance and Optimizing Your Campaign as Required

Use powerful tracking tools like Facebook Analytics or SocialPilot to make sure that you can effectively break down your campaign results.

It will help you compare your actual results with your desired results. If the difference is minimal, congrats; you did a great job with your Facebook influencer marketing campaign.

But if there’s a deviation in the results, you need to figure out what went wrong and fix the leakages as soon as possible. The optimization of your campaign will help you close the difference between your actual results and your desired results.

Sometimes, making use of time-tested, proven tactics can amplify the success rate of your Facebook influencer marketing campaign.

3 Ideas to Use Influencer Marketing on Facebook

Giveaway Contests

You can ask the influencer to share the contest through their post and persuade the audience to click to know more about the giveaway.

You can redirect the user to your website and ask for their email or any other valuable information in exchange for being registered for the contest.

Here’s an example of Ziera Footwear, who collaborated with fashion influencer Katherine Saab for their giveaway campaign to attract new audiences and increase their ‘Unstoppable Women’ campaign awareness.


Facebook Live

Research by Facebook revealed that their users watch live videos three times more than any regular video on Facebook.

If you want higher engagement for your campaign, Facebook Live can do the trick for you. Your influencer can share their experiences using your product/service; they can recommend the same to their audience, which will automatically help you achieve your campaign goals.

An outstanding example of this tactic is how Best Friends game developers associated with a famous Facebook influencer Laura Clery to promote their latest video game. The influencer went on live and demonstrated how to play the game and expressed her views.


Video Content

With 100 million hours of videos watched on Facebook every day, you can’t ignore the fact that videos are still one of the powerful ways to gain people’s attention and increase your engagement rates.

A famous brand Crayola was associated with multiple Facebook influencers to promote their newly launched Crayola Air Marker Sprayer product.

One of the influencers, famously known as Your Everyday Canadian, published a funny video in which he uses the product to make a few bucks for buying a pizza.


This wraps up our discussion about the key tactics that can help you scale your Facebook influencer campaign.

But having a helping hand won’t harm you, right?

Let’s go through some essential tools to ease some workload off your shoulders.

3 Tools to Find the Right Facebook Influencers for Your Campaign

1. Awario


With Awario, you can find influencers by monitoring the use of keywords all across social media and websites. It not only helps you find influencers from Facebook, but also by monitoring Twitter, YouTube, Blogs, Instagram and other news articles.

Primarily, Awario is a tool for social listening. So, it is not just an influencer finding tool but also provides you with the ability to carry out social selling, monitor other brands and competitors.

2. Upfluence


Upfluence is a full-fledged influencer marketing tool. But its most significant feature is its discovery engine and influencer search tool. It has a database of over 3 million influencer profiles to find out the best fit for your campaign. All the results are real-time with accurate metrics based on which you can decide your influencer for the campaign.

3. PitchBoard


PitchBoard is an AI-backed tool for finding out the most suitable influencers for your campaigns. It is super easy to use, having no prior technical knowledge. It also can break down all the estimated engagements and costs per engagement of your campaign.

An expert on the PitchBoard team can also review your campaign if you need some suggestions from the experts to make sure your influencer campaign is solid enough to hit the bullseye.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know all the ins and outs of creating a successful Facebook influencer marketing strategy and tips and tools to scale it, it’s your time to start with the execution process that we discussed in the article.

Achieve your business goals effectively by using the power of Facebook and influencer marketing.

Execute, scale, and grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 List all the ways of finding influencers?

There are multiple ways you can discover your perfect influencer, but some of the effective ways are:

  • Influencer research tools
  • Research using a keyword related to your industry on Facebook
  • Influencer marketing agencies

🌟 Is influencer marketing effective for small and medium scale businesses?

Yes, it is effective. It is comparatively inexpensive compared to all the traditional advertising campaigns compared to the results it delivers.

🌟 How much will a Facebook influencer marketing campaign cost?

The cost of the campaign depends on how much you are willing to spend, your goals, and the scale of your campaign. It’s totally upon your requirements. But one thing you can do is minimize your expenditures by following some of the crucial tactics to scale up your Facebook influencer marketing campaign.

🌟 Do influencers use Facebook in 2021?

Yes, they still do. Although other social media platforms are more popular today, Facebook still holds a strong influencer number using the platform.

🌟 How to make sure that my Facebook influencer marketing is a success?

Plan and execute your Facebook influencer marketing strategy tailored according to your business requirements, associate with the right influencer, connect with your audience well. Your campaign will be a success for sure.

About the Author

Picture of Jimit Bagadiya

Jimit Bagadiya

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