More About Buyer Persona
Did you know that the first person to develop a buyer persona called ‘Kathy’ was Alan Cooper in 1985? While developing a new project management software, Alan interviewed several potential users and used the insights to create ‘Kathy.’ This persona went on to help him modify the design of the software and add new features according to the customers’ needs.
Cooper first used the term ‘buyer persona’ in his book, ‘The Inmates Are Running the Asylum’ in 1998. However, Angus Jenkinson is credited for developing personas in the field of marketing back in 1994. Marketers worldwide were already using personas years ago to segment their target demographic and use the insights to build products and drive targeted marketing efforts.
Now, let us look at what is a buyer persona’s use case for a business.
Did you know 70% of companies that have exceeded their revenue and lead goals have generated and documented their buyer personas?
Buyer personas are important for your business because they help you understand your customer. Creating a buyer persona based on effective market research offers you critical audience insights in many different circumstances.
It will help you make better strategic decisions and create better content that is personalized according to different audiences. Buyer personas play a significant role in boosting your customer base through social media reach. When you understand your customers’ needs, expectations, and challenges, you can deliver better solutions to them.
You can create a buyer persona using the data from social media. The steps for creating a buyer persona include the following:
- Assess your existing customer base.
- Analyze the audience of your competitors.
- Find customer goals and challenges.
- Get deep insights from customer service.
- Create your buyer persona.
You can get an idea of a buyer persona from the image given below. The image highlights the buyer’s personal details, challenges, personal goals, and how your product can help them in achieving their targets efficiently.